New abstracts submission deadline: May 15, 2024

The HYPOTHESIS XIX Committees cordially invites you to submit abstracts (2 pages suggested, 3 pages maximum) of your works inherent to the conference topics.

Conference language: English

Presentation: Oral or Poster

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts (with ISBN).

Some relevant presentations could be selected as keynote lectures. After the conference, a selected number of presentations will be proposed for publication on special issues of international peer review journals. The selected authors will receive a formal invitation to submit a full article.

Please write your abstract following the template:

Download template

Then name the file with the family name of the corresponding author, followed if necessary by a progressive number (e.g. Spazzafumo1, Spazzafumo2, ....).

Finally log in and open the submitting form from the user menu (My menu).


Time for oral presentations is 20 minutes including question time and file format is ppt/pptx (Powerpoint Office 365 compatible) or pdf. Please ensure timeously that your presentation displays correctly on the equipment provided at the conference.

Posters must not exceed the size A0 and should be orientated as Portrait. Authors should stand by the posters during the poster session.